Surrogacy Acronyms Decoded
When you start experiencing infertility, if you need help building your family, or if you are beginning your surrogacy research, the terminology and acronyms can be perplexing. At New England Surrogacy, we know that both intended parents and gestational carriers get thrown into a whole new lingo, and need to learn how to decipher acronyms fast! Below are some acronyms you may encounter and a little explanation as a quick reference guide to help you navigate your way as you learn about surrogacy in New England:
2WW (Two Week Wait): That dreaded time period before you can get a pregnancy test to find out if the embryo transfer was successful
AAAA (Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys): Is a credentialed, professional organization dedicated to the advancement of best legal practices in the area of assisted reproduction and to the protection of the interests of all parties, including the children, involved in assisted reproductive technology matters; sometimes also referred to by its previous name of AARTA, ///A or Quad A (did you know our co-Director Catherine Tucker is a member of this prestigious organization??)
ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology): Conception without intercourse, often refers to fertility treatments
ABA (American Bar Association): National association of attorneys with an Assisted Reproductive Technologies Committee consisting of lawyers interested in legal issues relating to surrogacy and other types of assisted reproduction (did you know that our co-Director Ellen Trachman serves on the ABA ART Committee’s Legislative Subcommittee??)
BCP (Birth Control Pills): Oral contraceptive
Beta Test: Blood test for pregnancy that tests hCG levels
BFN (Big Fat Negative): A negative pregnancy test
BFP (Big Fat Positive): A positive pregnancy test
BMI (Body Mass Index): An (imperfect) measure of body fat; New England Surrogacy requires a BMI below 32 for our surrogates (learn more about our requirements to become a surrogate)
BIVF (Boston IVF): a fertility clinic with offices in New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts & Rhode Island
CCRM (Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine): a fertility clinic with office in New Hampshire & Massachusetts (our sister agency, Colorado Surrogacy, works with CCRM’s Colorado offices)
CB (Cycle Buddy): Someone who is transferring the same day or within a couple of days
CD_ (Cycle Day _): Based on a woman’s monthly cycle and which day/number she is on during her cycle
D&C (Dilation and Curettage): Medical procedure used to remove tissue from the uterus
DE (Donor Egg): The donor egg being used for IVF
DET (Double Embryo Transfer): This could be MET – Multiple embryo transfer, meaning there is more than one embryo being transferred at once
DP3DT (Days Post 3-Day Transfer): Days since the embryo transfer after the embryo was grown in the lab for 3 days
DP5DT (Days Post 5-Day Transfer): Days since the embryo transfer after the embryo was grown in the lab for 5 days
DPH (Department of Public Health): The state agency responsible for issuing birth certificates in certain states, such as Connecticut and Massachusetts
DPT (Days Post Transfer): Number of days after the embryo transfer
E2 (Estradiol): Estrogen steroid hormone involved in the regulation of the estrous and menstrual reproductive cycles
ED (Egg Donor/Egg Donation): The person who donates the eggs, or the process of getting donated eggs
EDD (Estimated Due Date): When the baby is due based on embryo growth and date of transfer
ET (Embryo Transfer): The procedure when the embryo is transferred to the uterus—did you know we pretend you are 14 days pregnant on the ET date when calculating baby’s EDD?
FCNE (Fertility Centers of New England): a fertility clinic located in Massachusetts
FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer): The procedure when a frozen embryo is transferred to the uterus
GC (Gestational Carrier): A woman who carries a pregnancy for intended parents; same thing as a GS
GCA (Gestational Carrier Agreement): The legal contract between intended parents and a gestational carrier; GCAs are used in every New England state and required by law in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Connecticut
GD (Gestational Diabetes): Glucose intolerance during pregnancy; diagnosed with a yucky tasting drink
GLAD (GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders): Legal group in Massachusetts advocating for full equality in access to fertility care and parental rights for the LGBTQ+ community
GS (Gestational Surrogate): A woman who carries a pregnancy for intended parents; same thing as a GC
hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): Hormones produced in pregnancy
HPT (Home Pregnancy Test): A home diagnostic kit for testing for pregnancy hormones (also frequently called a pee stick)
HSC (Hysteroscopy): Ultrasound to view the lining of the uterusICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection): A method of fertilizing an egg by injecting one sperm directly into it
IF (Intended Father): A father expecting a baby via gestational carrier
IFs (Intended Fathers): Two fathers expecting a baby together via gestational carrier
IM (Intended Mother): A mother expecting a baby via gestational carrier
IM (Intermuscular): This is for intermuscular injections like PIO
IMs (Intended Mothers): Two mothers expecting a baby via gestational carrier
IP (Intended Parent): A parent expecting a baby via gestational carrier
IPs (Intended Parents): Two parents expecting a baby together via gestational carrier
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): The procedure by which an egg is combined with sperm outside the body resulting in embryos, which are transferred to the uterus
LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer): Terminology used to describe an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity; learn about New England Surrogacy’s commitment to the LGBTQ community (and if you’re wondering why a lesbian couple would choose surrogacy, we’ve got an answer to that)
LMP (Last Menstrual Period): The start date of a woman’s last menstrual cycle
M/C (Miscarriage): Spontaneous loss of pregnancy
MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventor): A multiple choice test designed to assess personality and psychopathology; often administered to surrogates during the mental health evaluation
NRM (Northeastern Reproductive Medicine): a fertility clinic located in Vermont
OB/GYN (Obstetrician and Gynecologist): A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and women’s health
P4 (Progesterone): Steroid and sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy
PAI (Personality Assessment Inventory): a test used to assess personality and psychopathology; often administered to surrogates during the mental health evaluation in lieu of the MMPI
PBO (Pre-Birth Order): A court document used in states such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island that establishes who the parents of a child are and whose names will appear on the birth certificate
PET (Post-Embryo Transfer): The time after an embryo transfer
PG (Pregnant): Pregnant!
PsyD (Doctorate of Psychology): A graduate degree that allows the holder to practice psychology and perform mental health evaluations for potential GCs (some states, like New Hampshire, have specific degree requirements for the mental health evaluator)
PIO (Progesterone in Oil): Shots of progesterone in oil pregnancy hormone are used to prepare the inner lining of the uterus for the transfer and implantation of the embryo
POAS (Pee on a Stick): Referring to using a home pregnancy test
RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist): Physician who specializes in infertility and IVF
RMACT (Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut): a fertility clinic in Connecticut
RSA (Revised Statutes Annotated): The official version of the New Hampshire laws; for example, RSA 168-B is where the New Hampshire surrogacy laws can be found
SCH (Subchorionic Hemorrhage): The increase of blood in the outer fetal membrane next to the placenta or between the uterus and the placenta
SET (Single Embryo Transfer): Transfer of only one embryo
SPAR (Special Program of Assisted Reproduction): A program that preforms a special procedure on sperm from an HIV positive intended father to reduce the likelihood of transmission of the HIV virus to the GC or baby; the program is located in Massachusetts but can work with sperm shipped in from other facilities
SubQ (Subcutaneous Injections): A shot given in the fatty tissue just under the skin
US or U/S (Ultrasound): Picture using ultrasound technology, in this case, specifically of the reproductive organs or of an embryo/fetusVBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section): When a woman chooses to vaginally deliver a baby after having delivered a previous baby via C-Section
And many others! If you have any questions about becoming a gestational carrier, click here. Or if you want information about surrogacy and needing a gestational carrier, click here. New England Surrogacy is committed to growing families through gestational surrogacy. We provide assistance to infertile couples, same-sex couples, and single men and women seeking to start a family through assisted reproductive technology.